Republican lawmakers are pushing a bill that's aimed at getting more education money in the classroom. Almitra Smith has more from Jefferson City.
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House Speaker Catherine Hanaway announced a bill requiring that ninety percent of all education funding go to the classroom.
House Democratic Leader, Rick Johnson, says he is still studying the bill, but that Democrats already pledged to make sure as much money as possible makes it to the classroom.
Hanaway has invited educators across the state to an open dialogue at the Capitol on Monday. From the State Capitol, I'm Almitra Smith.
By: Almitra Smith
State Capital Bureau
Missouri's House Speaker is proposing a cap on how much your local school can spend on administrative costs. Almitra Smith has more from Jefferson City.
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Republican House Speaker Catherine Hanaway announced a proposal to limit administrative spending to ten percent of a school's budget.
But the St. Louis County Republican said she wanted to talk with educators before pushing the idea;
The House Democrat floor leader said he was reviewing Hanaway's proposal.
Rick Johnson argued that getting more money for education was not a new issue for Democrats:
Democrats have been pushing for tax increases to boost funding for education.
That idea has met firm Republican opposition.