NewsBook: Missouri Government News for Week of June 3, 2002 |
. | Missouri still looking out for terrorism (06/06/02) |
His office receives information from the FBI about threats.
Daniels says that the State Highway Patrol was taken out of state buildings and replaced with private security agents because it was a "smart decision." He says that it is cheaper and just as effective.
. | Holden Forms Statewide Youth Cabinet (06/06/02) |
The plan is to involve youths statewide to help in decision making.
. | Senators want to change floor plan at cost of taxpayers (06/06/02) |
This project will cost about $150,000. A senate panel will have the final say.
. | Ride 4 America Trots Through Jefferson City (06/04/02) |
Along their way, they plan to gather funds for children of victims of terrorist attacks. Lieutenant Governor Joe Maxwell presented the group with a proclomation.