Lambert airport expansion and its opponents square off in the capital. Chris Pelikan has the story from Jefferson City
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Backed by representatives from the Board of Alderman, Civic Progress and TWA, a bill was presented to the House Municipal committee today that would clear the city of Bridgeton and its zoning rights as obstacles to the proposed 1-W1 runway expansion.
Francis Slay, president of the Board of Alderman argues that St. Louis needs Lambert expansion to keep up.
Opponents argued not against airport expansion, but the manner in which 1-W1 goes about it citing issues of safety and zoning rights.
The committee decided not to act on the bill at the end of the hearing.
Reporting from Jefferson City, Chris Pelikan KMOX news.
Not in our backyard, or so said opponents of legislation introduced to ensure Lambert's 1-W1 runway expansion.
The bill, introduced before the house municipal committee, would strip the city of Bridgeton of their zoning rights in areas affected by airport expansion.
Bridgeton Mayor Conrad Bauers warns neighbors of Lambert they may be next.
Supporters of the bill argue Lambert expansion is crucial to the development of the city.
Despite lengthy debate, the committee took no action on the bill.
Reporting from Jefferson City, Chris Pelikan, KMOX news.