* HCS SS SB 1279
Sponsor: Kinder, Peter
Status: H 3rd Read
Description: Allow state funding for a St. Louis Cardinals baseball stadium & other community development projects in the state.
  • Senate roll call - SS SB 1279 (05/07/2002): 3rd reading of the bill to provide state funding to help build a new baseball stadium in St. Louis and finance projects in Kansas City, Springfield and Branson.
  • Senate roll call - SS SB 1279 (05/02/2002): Adoption of the substitute for the bill to provide state funding to help build a new baseball stadium in St. Louis and finance projects in Kansas City, Springfield and Branson.
  • Senate roll call - SA 36 SS SB 1279 (05/02/2002): An amendment to the measure to float bonds for sports stadiums that would subject the entire bill to a statewide vote.
  • Senate roll call - SA 4 SS SB 1279 (04/30/2002): An amendment to the stadium-funding bill that, in the event the Cardinals team is sold, require the team to pay the state 10% of the sales price or $3.5 million each year bonds are still outstanding
  • The Fiscal Note(s)
  • Official legislative description and status

  • Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.