House Democrats Propose Ethics Changes at Session Start
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House Democrats Propose Ethics Changes at Session Start

Date: January 2, 2018
By: Jack Morrisroe
State Capitol Bureau

Missouri's governor has been accused of automatically deleting text messages in the public interest. House Democrats offered a bill to penalize deleting those text messages.
RunTime: 0:34
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: St. Louis County Representative Gina Mitten said lawmakers need to keep records for the Sunshine law, which allows public access to government documents.

Actuality:  MITTEN5.WAV
Run Time: 00:04
Description: Think about the spirit as well as the letter of the sunshine law and act accordingly.

Text messages are not specifically required to be kept or disclosed under the Sunshine law.

Governor Eric Greitens said allegations of his office using a self-deleting messaging app are a quote "nothing story."

All elected officials would be subject to the penalty if they deleted documents in the public interest, including texts.

Jack Morrisroe, Newsradio 1120, KMOX.

Missouri House Democrats proposed extending the "cooling off period" when former elected officials cannot become lobbyists.
RunTime: 0:30
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The measure would make retired lawmakers wait two years instead of the current six months to become a lobbyist.

The bill sponsor, St. Louis County Representative Joe Adams, said six months is too short to stop lobbying firms from impacting politicians in office.

Actuality:  ADAMS2.WAV
Run Time: 00:04
Description: We've got to make sure there's no undue influence in legislation.
Opponents said the bill would not affect the public perception of business buying political influence while lobbyist gifts are still unlimited.

Jack Morrisroe, Newsradio 1120, KMOX.

Missouri House Democrats proposed requiring dark money organizations to disclose their donors and donation amounts.
RunTime: 0:35
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Columbia Representative Kip Kendrick said disclosing dark money donations would make the legislative process more honest.

Actuality:  KENDRICK.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: Transparency is critical for the public to be able to evaluate the merits of political messages and to know when certain special interests are spending significant amounts of money to influence government and influence policy.
Opponents said donors should not have to sacrifice their privacy and safety when giving to political causes.

Governor Eric Greitens has close ties to the nonprofit A New Missouri which does not disclose its funding.

Jack Morrisroe, Newsradio 1120, KMOX.