House perfects voter identification legislation, will go to a final vote
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House perfects voter identification legislation, will go to a final vote

Date: January 20, 2016
By: Shannon Shaver
State Capitol Bureau

Missouri residents will be required to have a government-issued photo ID to vote under recently approved House legislation.
RunTime: 0:43
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The House has finished first-round approval to ask Missourians to approve a government-issued photo ID requirement for voters.

If approved by Missouri voters, the Missouri Constitution will be amended to require proof of citizenship and residency in order to vote.

St. Louis County Democrat Genise Montecillo argued against the ID requirement.

Actuality:  MONTEA.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: We were all elected, we're here because people went to the polls and voted for us so we, more than anybody should be standing up to make sure that every Missouri citizen is able to cast their ballot.

House Democrats say the requirement will be a burden for those without photo IDs, Republicans it will prevent voter fraud.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Shannon Shaver.

A government-issued photo ID will be required for Missouri voters under legislation in the House.
RunTime: 0:48
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: After hours of bipartisan debate over whether to require government-issued photo ID to vote, the House has finished first-round approval of voter identification legislation.

House Republicans say requiring an ID will prevent voter fraud, while Democrats want to protect those who do not have a photo ID.

St. Louis County Democrat Joe Adams says the legislation would take away from the rights of Missouri citizens.

Actuality:  ADAMSA.WAV
Run Time: 00:16
Description: Our state constitution has one of the strongest protections of rights of the citizens of the state of Missouri. What this resolution does is chip away at those rights.

If approved by Missouri voters, the legislation would amend the Missouri Constitution.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Shannon Shaver.

Missouri residents will be required to have a government-issued photo ID before casting a ballot under proposed legislation in the House.
RunTime: 0:45
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: After hours of debate, the House voted to move forward with legislation that would require a photo ID to vote in Missouri.

Republicans argued the ID requirement would prevent voter fraud, while Democrats say the requirement disenfranchises some Missouri residents.

St. Louis County Democrat Clem Smith opposed the idea of requiring identification at the polls.

Actuality:  CLEMA.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: So I must spend my money, in order to obtain an identification in order to vote, and that's not right.
If Missouri voters approve this legislation, the Missouri Constitution will be amended to include the photo ID requirement.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Shannon Shaver.