Intro: | The House Government Oversight Committee was urged to require national political activist organizations to disclose where they get their money if they engage in Missouri politics. |
RunTime: | 0:43 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: Currently these organizations can recieve massive amounts of money anonymously, and use that money to attack or support specific candidates or issues.
The committee's chair , Cole County Representative Jay Barnes,questioned the ethics regarding disclosure, but voiced his own frustration with secret donors.
Actuality: | CAMPAIGN.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:14 |
Description: "It is cowardly, I absolutely agree with you. The people who do this are absolute cowards. And in fact, it happened in my county, and I was very angry, angry enough that I wanted to do something about it." |
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Madeline Odle.
Intro: | House Government Oversight discussed changing the law regarding anonymous donations in political financing. |
RunTime: | 0:48 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: Kansas City Democrat Representative Lauren Arthur's bill would require national political activist organizations to disclose the names of their donors.
Arthur said these organizations can attack or support specific candidates, people and issues using massive amounts of money they recieve anonymously.
Actuality: | SUPERPAC.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:16 |
Description: "I think there's already an outcry in frustration over the fact that the committee for fluffy puppies and kitties are putting out this nasty attack ad and they dont know what's true and what's not, and it's hard to get to the source of what's true." |
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Madeline Odle.