House Appropriations votes to stop paying for new stadium.
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House Appropriations votes to stop paying for new stadium.

Date: February 15, 2016
By: Madeline Odle
State Capitol Bureau

A House Appropriations committee voted to strip the state's budget of 12 million dollars promised to Regional Sports Authority to make the bond payments for the Edward Jones Dome.
RunTime: 0:34
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Committee Chair, Representative Robert Ross, said Nixon should not be able to continue using the budget money meant to pay back the bonds for the abandoned stadium, without a vote of the people.

Actuality:  STADIUM2.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: It specifically says the Edward Jones Dome. It does not say a new stadium in St. Louis for the Rams, it does not say potentially a soccer stadium or anything else. Yet that's what our governor wants to do, to then indebt us as the taxpayers and our kids and our grandkids for another half a billion dollars.
The issue will now move to the full House Budget Committee for consideration.


Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Madeline Odle

A House committee voted to stop payments to Regional Sports Authority to pay back bond holders of the Edward Jones Dome.
RunTime: 0:46
OutCue: SOC

Wrap: The House General Administration Appropriations Committee voted to cut 12 million dollars out of next fiscal year's budget promised to the St. Louis Authority by the state.

Committee Chair, Representative Robert Ross, said he reached out to the Authority regarding cutting the money out of the budget, but they did not come to the hearing.

Actuality:  STADIUM1.WAV
Run Time: 00:16
Description: We're going to hear from the regional sports authority. They could not make time to come before the General Administration Appropriations Committee. But they are now going to come before the full budget committee, and there are a series of questions and documents they should produce at this point, and we're gonna have a discussion about it.

The committee's decision came after the Rams football team left St. Louis, abandoning a stadium with bond payments still due.


Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Madeline Odle.