A House committee hearing of campus concealed carry bills inspired heated debate.
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A House committee hearing of campus concealed carry bills inspired heated debate.

Date: March 15, 2016
By: Madeline Odle
State Capitol Bureau

A Missouri mom urged the House Emerging Issues Committee to keep concealed weapons banned on college campuses.
RunTime: 0:40
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A mother of a Missouri college student said allowing guns to mix with drugs and alcohol on college campuses is a huge safety concern. 

Jackson County Republican, Representative Gary Cross, spoke critically of her statement, and had a very personal reason for doing so.

Actuality:  SHOT.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: "I got a daughter that's 31 today that's a victim of a drive by shooting, and I'll tell you where it's at, it's right here in Missouri it's called Missouri State. If you ever get that phone call at 11 o'clock at night - I've been shot - I guarentee you as a dad it does raise some, you don't know how you'll respond until you get the call."
Cross said he would feel safer if his daughter had a gun with her in order to protect herself in those situations.


Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Madeline Odle.


A Missouri House committee was urged to allow students to conceal guns on college campuses.
RunTime: 0:37
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A member of the Missouri Federation of College Republicans said the bill should be a - quote - no-brainer, because there are no legitimate reasons why guns should not be allowed on campuses.

St. Louis Representative Mike Colona took issue with the remarks being accusatory and overly-presumptious of his colleagues.

Actuality:  ATTEMPT.WAV
Run Time: 00:09
Description: "What you're attempting to do, is really more of an art, and what you're doing is taking a blunt hammer and telling folks that don't agree with you, that they're idiots. That's the way it came out."
Other members of the committee criticized several people testifying for using skewed or incorrect information.


Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Madeline Odle.