A new civics bill would replace current required constitution tests
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A new civics bill would replace current required constitution tests

Date: February 9, 2015
By: Kolbie Satterfield
State Capitol Bureau


Your kids would be required to pass a civics test that immigrants have to take in order to graduate if a new bill is passed
RunTime:  0:00
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Missouri high school students would have to pass the same test as citizen applicants take in order to get a high school degree.

A Springfield Missouri private University professor  said the current testing system is not working.

Actuality:  SANDERS2.WAV
Run Time:  00:11
Description: "Obvisouly it's not working and I bleive this this is a beautiful way for us to be able to increase their level of civic knowledge in the state of Misosuri."

The new civics test would not eliminate standard end of year testing.

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Kolbie Satterfield

Your kid would have to pass the same test that immigrants have to take in order to graduate high school
RunTime:  0:35
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap:The new test would be a compilement from the 100 question United States Citizenship test that those wanting to become legal citizens must take.

Students taking the test must receive a 60 percent but would be able to take the test as many times to pass before graudation.

Republican Represenative Kathryn Swan said that she does not think the current tests are effecient.


Actuality:  SWAN1.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: "Oklahoma council of public affairs revealed that only 23 percent of students knew that George Washington was our first president."

 If passed, this new test would not eliminate end of course testing.

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Kolbie Satterfield

Intro: The two high school graudation required Missouri Constitution tests may be a thing of the past
RunTime:  0:0
OutCue:  SOC


To graudate from high school your kid would have to meet the miniumm requirements of someone seeking to become a citizen in the US
RunTime:  0:31
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The previous required Constitution tests would no longer be a graduation requirement if a new bill moves to replace it wiht one single test.  

The new test would be based on the exam all of the United Citizens are required to take before becoming a citizen.

A Springfield private University professor  said the current tests are not effective.

Actuality:  SANDERS.WAV
Run Time:  00:04
Description: "Some students could not name basic information such as who is head of Supreme Court."
If passed, this test would not replace end of course testing.
Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Kolbie Satterfield