Japan's nuclear meltdown has no effect in Missouri
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Japan's nuclear meltdown has no effect in Missouri

Date: April 4, 2011
By: Brian Pepoon
State Capitol Bureau

An EPA spokesperson says there is no need for concern of radiation in Missouri despite the nuclear meltdown from Japan.
RunTime:  0:34
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: EPA spokesperson David Bryan says there have been no readings of radioactive material in any of Missouri's four reading stations.

Trace amounts of radioactive material have been found in Illinois and Iowa.

The meltdown of four nuclear reactors in Japan has raised concern of radioactive poisoning.

Bryan says there is no need to be concerned.

Actuality:  BRYANEPA.WAV
Run Time:  00:05
Description: "In none of those samples have we found anything that represents a health hazard."

Bryan says though trace amounts have been found in other states, the readings are well below any dangerous levels.

From Jefferson City, I'm Brian Pepoon.

A Department of Health spokesperson says there is no need for concern of radiation in Missouri despite the nuclear meltdown from Japan.
RunTime:  0:37
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Trace amounts of nuclear material has been found in states bordering Missouri, according to the EPA.

In the aftermath of Japan's nuclear meltdown in March, speculation has arisen about radioactivity.

Department of Health communication director Jacqueline Lapine says there is nothing to worry about.

Lapine says the amounts found around the country are hundreds of times below the regulation limit.

Actuality:  LAPINE3.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: "Currently we have not received any reports of increased radiation from the EPA testing sites."

Lapine says the public should not be concerned with radiation and should live life normally.

From Jefferson City, I'm Brian Pepoon.

A Department of Health spokesperson says there is no need for concern of radiation in Missouri despite the nuclear meltdown from Japan.
RunTime:  0:37
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Department of Health communications director Jacqueline Lapine says they have increased testing for air, drinking water, precipitation, and milk.

According to results from the four EPA testing sites in Missouri, there have not been any increases in radioactivity since the incident.

Actuality:  LAPINE2.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "I would say having the latest reports and those reports coming back and showing no increased radiation that the public should go on about their lives as they normally would."

Lapine also says the department will continue to monitor the situation for any changes.

From Jefferson City, I'm Brian Pepoon.