Senator Stouffer Proposes a Repeal to Proposition B
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Senator Stouffer Proposes a Repeal to Proposition B

Date: December 16, 2010
By: Erica Coghill
State Capitol Bureau

A Missouri legislator is calling upon his colleagues to throw out what Missouri voters approved just a few weeks ago.
RunTime:  0:46
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap:  After voters passed Proposition B imposing restrictions on dog breeders, western rural Missouri Senator Bill Stouffer is calling for a repeal.  

The leader of the organization that pushed for the issue, Barbara Schmitz, calls the effort at repealing Proposition B un-democratic. 

Actuality:  SC1.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "I really hope that lawmakers will re-think this and they will be reminded that voters have supported proposition B, they've spoken to this issue and the will of the people needs to be respected."

Schmitz is the Missouri director of the Human Society.

On the other side, the senator proposing repeal of Prop. B argues the issue encountered opposition in many areas of the state -- particularly rural areas of Missouri.

From the State Capitol, I'm Erica Coghill. 

A Missouri Senator is calling for the repeal of  the voter approved proposition to put restrictions on dog breeders. Erica Coghill has more from the State Capitol.
RunTime:  0:36
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Just weeks after a Missourians approved Prop. B to put restrictions on dog breeders, Missouri Senator Bill Stouffer is calling for a repeal of the proposition.

A farmer himself, Stouffer says proposition B is just the beginning of the end of agriculture.

Actuality:  ST22.WAV
Run Time:  00:11
Description: "If you look at the statements from the folks behind HSUS, there's no doubt they want to get rid of animal agriculture. They feel like any animal under the control of a human is a slave."

But on the other side, the Missouri director of the Humane Society -- Barbara Schmitz -- says there was no hidden agenda behind Prop. B. 

From the State Capitol, I'm Erica Coghill. 

When Missouri's legislature meets in early January, they're going to be asked to throw out an issue approved by Missouri voters just last month.
RunTime:  0:50
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: After the passing of prop. B, which puts restrictions on dog breeders, Missouri Senator Bill Stouffer is calling for a repeal of the proposition. 

The western Missouri rural lawmakers says the measure B doesn't cure the real problem -- a lack of inspectors to enforce the laws on un-licensed breeders.

Although, Stouffer acknowledges there's not enough room in the budget.

Actuality:  STB2.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "The budget is very tough, very tough for at least the next two years. We're going to have to have another, probably 600 million dollar cuts this year and so adding another 5 to 10 million for inspectors, that's really not in the cards."

The Missouri director of the Human Society, Barbara Schmitz, says the illegal breeders are not the only ones mistreating dogs, some legal breeders are doing so by cutting corners for profits.  

From the State Capitol, I'm Erica Coghill.