Non-Traditional Lifestyle Could be Factor in Child Custody
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Non-Traditional Lifestyle Could be Factor in Child Custody

Date: February 5, 2008
By: Rebecca Layne
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: If a parent is found cohabitation with someone other than a spouse, their child custody rights could be in peril. Rebecca Layne has more from Jefferson City.  RunTime:0:44
OutCue: SOC

Republican Representative Bob Nance introduced legislation that could make parental cohabitation an important factor for judges in determining child custody rights.


Actuality:  NANCE2.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: I believe that a judge should be able to take into consideration the lifestyle, or possibly, a parent cohabitation with someone else and having custody of the child.

Cohabitation would be defined as living or having overnight stays with an adult person who is not a spouse, adult child or relative of the parent.

Nance says that he hopes the morality of the law will be taken into consideration.

Reporting from Jefferson City, I'm Rebecca Layne. 

Intro: Living with someone other than a spouse, child or parent could factor in on a judge's decision to grant child custody. Rebecca Layne has more from Jefferson City. 

OutCue: SOC

Democratic Representative Michael Vogt says Republican Representative Bob Nance's legislation has forgotten the interest of the child.


Actuality:  VOGT1.WAV
Run Time: 00:16
Description: I think what Nance is trying to do is to advance sort of a right-wing, conservative social agenda rather than really do anything that is going to have an effect on what is the best interest of the child, which is the underlying factor in any child custody case.
Vogt says that Nance is trying to please his conservative constituents who "haven't graduated into the 21st century."
Reporting from Jefferson City, I'm Rebecca Layne.