Amendment could legalize ticket scapling in Missouri
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Amendment could legalize ticket scapling in Missouri

Date: May 9, 2007
By: Rachel Higginbotham
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 327

Intro: An amendment to a Missouri economic development bill would legalize ticket scapling for sporting events. Rachel Higginbotham has more from the state Capitol.

OutCue: SOC

If an economic development bill passes the legislature this session, you might be able to re-sell that extra Cardinal's ticket for more than the retail price.

Currently Missourians can scalp tickets to concerts and theater productions, but not sporting events.

But because the amendment is tacked on to a bill that has more to do with tax breaks than ticket sales, Republican Senator John Griesheimer says it's placement in an economic development bill could be unconsititional.

Actuality:  GRIESH.WAV

Run Time: 00:14

Description: The ticket scalping issue is a stand-alone issue that doesn't say anything about economic development. And therefore, I truly believe that if it got challenged in court that it would be thrown out.

A ruling by the state Supreme Court decision prohibits amendments that are unrelated to the original subject of a bill.

From the state Capitol, I'm Rachel Higginbotham, KMOX News.  
Intro: An amendment to a House economic development bill would legalize ticket scalping for sporting events. Rachel Higginbotham (HIG-en-bah-thum) has more from the state Capitol. RunTime:
OutCue: SOC

Currently in Missouri, you can re-sell tickets for concerts and theater productions for more than the original retail price, but you can't do that with tickets to sporting events. 

An amendment to an economic development bill would allow Missourians to scalp their tickets for higher prices through online ticket brokers like eBay and Stub Hub.

The amendment's sponsor, Republican Senator Matt Bartle, said the original purpose of the bill was to allow the average consumer to sell their tickets on the street.

That idea was nixed because of concerns for consumer protection.

Actuality:  BART2.WAV
Run Time: 00:17
Description: People say, well gosh, their are people out there that are going to get ripped off. Well, that happens, we're not going to be able to prevent that, so you don't totally outlaw something just because there might be a small percentage of transactions where somebody buys something that's not valid.

Some state legislators, like Republican Senator John Loudon, say the dangers of lifting the scalping ban could lie in counterfeit tickets or higher prices.

From the state Capitol, I'm Rachel Higginbotham, KMOX News.


Intro: Cardinals' season ticket holders could be affected by a bill currently being debated in the state legislature. Rachel Higginbotham (HIG-en-bah-thum) has more from the state Capitol. RunTime:
OutCue: SOC

An amendment to a state economic development bill would legalize ticket scalping for sporting events in Missouri.

Ticket holders could re-sell their tickets for more than the original price through online brokers like eBay and Stub Hub.

Cardinals' President Mark Lamping says the amendment could affect the team's Prime Seat Club, which legally re-sells season ticket holders' single-game tickets for a twenty percent fee.

Actuality:  LAMPING.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: If ticket scalping is then made legal, meaning that season ticket holders would be able to sell their tickets leagally above the single-game price, then we would probably have to re-evaluate the entire structure. 

The ticket scalping amendment would only legalize the sale of tickets online, not outside of stadiums.

From the state Capitol, I'm Rachel Higginbotham, KMOX News.