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Lucie Wolken
Lucie Wolken Stories
Lucie Wolken Stories
Newspaper Story - Spokesman for the Missouri Republican Party has called for the release of emails by Democratic legislators in the wake of the controversy over the firing of attorney Scott Eckersley and the deletion of emails by the governor's office
Newspaper Story - A reporter for the Kansas City Star was shoved by a officer of the Missouri State Highway Patrol Monday while asking the Gov. Matt Blunt questions about the Scott Eckersley firing.
11/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - The Republican candidate for attorney general suggested a special prosecutor be brought in to investigate potential violations to Missouri Sunshine Laws by Gov. Blunt's office.
11/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - A Kansas County elections commission accepted signatures on a petition to conduct a grand jury investigation against a allegations against Kansas Planned Parenthood facility.
Radio Story - The American Bar Association released a statement today calling for a nationwide moratorium on executions until inadequencies are addressed
Newspaper Story - Adult abuse victims will have an expanded notification system under a new program announced Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - One of the new programs for the state's newest healthcare system includes the Chronic Care Improvement Program, which provides health care coaches to work with patients to create a plan of attack for dealing with illnesses, the program includes 53,000 Missourians with various chronic illnesses.
10/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - The number of politicians using YouTube to campaign seems to be increasing
Newspaper Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon has been charged by the Republicans for using a state vehicle for fundraising, videos of Nixon using the vehicle have been posted on Utube.
Newspaper Story - There are still unanswered questions surrounding Gov. Matt Blunt's new health insurance proposal to help low-income people, according to Missouri Budget Project
Newspaper Story - The Republican caucus chose Rep. Ron Richard, R-Joplin as their Speaker elect in a closed vote in the House chamber.
Newspaper Story - House Republicans will meet Wednesday to choose a candidate for Speaker elect for the 2009 legislative session, Democrats charge the preliminary decisions are arrogant.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed the statewide economic bill, including ticket scalping legislation, a provision that would allow for ticket scalpers to resell tickets for above face value.
Newspaper Story - Cures Without Cloning submitted a ballot measure to ban human cloning to the secretary of state's office Wednesday
Lucie Wolken Stories
Lucie Wolken Stories
Newspaper Story - UM President Elson Floyd accepted the position as the new president of Washington State University, Missouri state legislators are surprised by the resignation
12/ 6/2006:
Newspaper Story - The on-going drought that has plagued the midwest could lead to the cancellation of the 2008 navigation season on the Missouri River.
Radio Story - The Supreme Court heard testimony today concerning Gov. Matt Blunt's law creating civil liability for adults who
11/ 8/2006:
Newspaper Story - Representatives from organizations opposing Amendment 2 say they aren't giving up the fight to educate Missourians on the true nature of the initiative.
Newspaper Story - Catholics United for the Common Good released their voting guide today for Missourians addressing issues varying from minimum wage to stem cell research.
Newspaper Story - The 100-word summary of Amendment 2 that is set to appear on the ballot Nov. 7 is the center of the debate for some opponents of the initiative.
Newspaper Story - An ad created by the Vitae Caring Foundation, a group releasing educational ads about stem cell research, featuring an emotional college student is really an actress.
Newspaper Story - James and Virginia Stower, both native Missourians, and both cancer survivors,have provided nearly 97% of funds backing the initiative in 2006.
Radio Story - The Supreme Court ruled today that the tobacco tax amendment will be allowed on the ballot on Nov. 7.
Newspaper Story - As the Election season heats up, political parties are increasing their efforts primarily to get voters to the polls for this decisive election
Newspaper Story - The governor announced that he will wait for legisaltive approval to sell the state's loan authority
Newspaper Story - The Daniel Boone Little League baseball team received recognition from the Senate for their participation in the 2006 Little League World Series.`
Newspaper Story - Gov. Matt Blunt held a remembrance ceremony on the steps of the state capitol to honor those who lost their lives 5 years ago.
9/ 6/2006:
Newspaper Story - A spokesperson for the governor's office dismissed Attorney General Jay Nixon's letter to the MOHELA board as a rant.
Newspaper Story - Recent precipitation brings relief to Missouri trees from the drought and anticipated El Nino conditions for the fall could prevent them from experiencing long-term damage to health
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Natural Resources Department's wind energy project raised skeptical questions from the state's Energy Task Force.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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