Intro: Ceremonies at the state Capitol included a tribute to September 11th victims and keynote speaker Governor Matt Blunt. Fanna (fauna) Haile-Selassie (High-lay-Suh-la-say) has more to say at the Capitol.
RunTime: Public safety personnel and citizens met outside the Capitol to remember those who gave their lives on September 11th. Governor Matt Blunt was the keynote speaker. Issues of safety at the Capitol have reduced in the last 5 years. After a brief increase of security, funding was cut back by the end of the 2004 fiscal year. From the capitol, this is Fanna Haile-Selassie
OutCue: SOC
Actuality: BLUNT01.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: Citizens rose up September 11th and proved that we will always conquer evil.
The tribute heard speakers from the Missouri National Guard and the Department of Public Safety. They recognized Missouri's task 1 force, New York firefighters and police, and all volunteers for their efforts.