New federal intelligence reform targets the standards for getting a state driver's license. Evan Godt (Got) reports from Jefferson City.
The federal legislation to be voted on in Congress would make uniform standards for all state driver's licenses. One of the provisions would restrict illegal immigrants from getting a license.
Jessica Robinson, a spokeswoman for the Missouri Department of Revenue, says that regulations are needed because of what the driver's license represents.
Legislation will also make a standard for the types of ID needed to board an airplane.
From the state Capitol, I'm Evan Godt.
Missouri is ahead of the curve on state driver's license reform. Evan Godt (Got) reports from Jefferson City.
New federal legislation to reform U.S. intelligence would make uniform standards for all state driver's licenses. One of the provisions would restrict illegal immigrants from getting a license.
Jessica Robinson, a spokeswoman for the Missouri Department of Revenue, says that Missouri, in cooperation with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Adminstration, has already made these restrictions.
Under Missouri law you may still obtain a driver's license if you are in the country with a student visa, but it will expire when the visa expires.
From the state Capitol, I'm Evan Godt.
Governor-elect Matt Blunt announced changes to Missouri's Department of Homeland Security just a day after federal plans to reform U.S. intelligence. Evan Godt (Got) reports from Jefferson City.
Federal legislation will further coordinate counterterrorism operations under a director of national intelligence.
Matt Blunt wants to make a similar change here in Missouri by making Missouri's Department of Homeland Security a division of Missouri's Department of Public Safety and have them answer to one director.
Blunt says he'll make announcements about the specifics of the change at a later date.
From the state Capitol, I'm Evan Godt.