At a press conference Missouri House Speaker Catherine Hanaway announced she was signing on to a bill that would remove mercury from child vaccination shots. Almitra Smith has more from Jefferson City.
OutCue: SOC
In the 1940s mercury was added to immunization shots as a preservative.
Now, Representative Roy Holand says the mercury must be removed because it is linked to autism. He is sponsoring a bill that would prohibit mercury-based immunizations from being given to children under eight.
Holand says currently manufacturers have a choice in making mercury-free vaccinations, but that's not enough.
Opponents of the bill say the link between autism and mercury is not definite. And that it could decrease the number of vaccinations being given.
From the State Capitol, I'm Almitra Smith.
By: Almitra Smith
State Capital Bureau
Missouri House Speaker Catherine Hanaway announced her support Thursday for a new bill that she says could be important in fighting autism. Almitra Smith has more from Jefferson City.
OutCue: SOC
Representative Roy Holand unveiled a bill he sponsored that would prohibit mercury-based immunizations from being given to children under eight.
House Speaker Catherine Hanaway says the bill is necessary to keep children healthy.
Holand says if passed, the legislation wouldn't start until 2006 giving drug manufacturers time to prepare.
From the state capitol, I'm Almitra Smith.