State Democrats are split when it comes to the abortion issue. Zack Ottenstein has the story.
Several Democrats are expected to break with party lines when they again support a bill that Gov. Bob Holden vetoed.
The bill would require a woman wait 24-hours between meeting with her doctor and having an abortion.
Democratic Sen. Jim Matthewson says he believes the House will override the Governor's veto.
If the House overrides the veto, the bill lands back in the Senate, where it originally passed with enough votes for an override.
From the State Capitol, I'm Zack Ottenstein.
State Democrats deny that there is pressure from party leadership to support Gov. Bob Holden's veto of an abortion bill. Zack Ottenstein (Ah-Ten-stine) reports.
Several Democrats are finding themselves in opposition with their party.
That's because they voted for a bill that Gov. Bob Holden vetoed.
The bill would require a woman wait 24-hours between meeting with her doctor and having an abortion.
In the Senate, Republicans are close to having the votes necessary for an override.
However, Senate Democrat Jim Matthewson say his decision won't be affected by the party line because he is term limited.
Matthewson is unwilling to say how he will vote.
The special veto session begins Wednesday.
This is Zack Ottenstein, reporting from the State Capitol.
Democrats say they will look to the courts if an abortion bill passes. Zack Ottenstein (Ah-Ten-stine) reports from the State Capitol.
Republicans are confident they can pass an abortion bill that Gov. Bob Holden vetoed.
But expect lawmakers to continue fighting over the issue.
Sen. Ken Jacob says that if the Legislature over rides the Governor's veto, the bill could be sent to the courts.
The bill would require a woman wait 24-hours between meeting with her doctor and having an abortion.
From the State Capitol, I'm Zack Ottenstein.