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Protestors Target Black Caucus

May 13, 2002
By: JiaoJiao Shen
State Capital Bureau

Dressed in specially printed t-shirts, armed with signs, and full of opinions, a group of demonstrators from St. Louis City gathered in the Capitol Monday to protest the Stadium Bill.

JiaoJiao Shen has the story from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

"Fund the needy, not the greedy."

Those were the words out of Jamilah Nasheed's mouth as she led demonstrators through the halls of the Capital.

Their mission?

To convince the Black Caucus to oppose the Stadium Bill.

Nasheed says the Black Caucus needs to listen to the demands of the voters.

Actuality: NASHEED1
RunTime: 10
OutCue: ones that elected you
Contents: Nasheed says that it is time for the Black Caucus to stand up for the ones that elected them.

This is the second week the protestors have rallied in Jefferson City.

Nasheed says they have gotten a great response so far.

From Jefferson City, JiaoJiao Shen

Demonstrators shouting "Kill Stadium Bill" paraded through the halls of the Capitol Monday.

JiaoJiao Shen has more from the Capital.

OutCue: SOC
Actuality: KILLSTA
RunTime: 8
OutCue: kill stadium bill
Contents: Demonstrators shouting kill stadium bill

Protestors from St. Louis City gathered in Jefferson City to urge the Black Caucus to oppose the bill.

Jamilah Nasheed led demonstrators has they chanted various slogans through halls of the Capitol.

She says she wants the Black Caucus to do one of two things.

Actuality: NASHEED4
RunTime: 6
OutCue: on the ballot
Contents: Nasheed says they can either put it on the ballot or oppose it completely.

Nasheed says most of the Black Caucus members are undecided.

The legislative session is in its last week and there has been no vote on the bill.

From Jefferson City, JiaoJiao Shen

The halls of the Capitol echoed with anti-stadium protests Monday as demonstrators rallied in the halls with a handful of signs and a mouthful of slogans.

JiaoJiao Shen has the story from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

Clad in t-shirts saying "Fund the needy, not the greedy" demonstrators lined the halls in protest of the Stadium Bill for the second week in a row.

They say their goal is to convince the Black Caucus to oppose the bill.

Several members of the Black Caucus, like Representative Connie Johnson of St. Louis City, are still undecided about the bill.

Despite their efforts, the protestors have not swayed Johnson's undecided stance.

Actuality: JOHNSON1
RunTime: 17
OutCue: more than a ball park
Contents: Johnson says they have let her know that they do not fully understand the bill, that the bill is more than just a ballpark.

The Stadium Bill is still waiting for a vote with only one week left of the legislative session.

From Jefferson City, JiaoJiao Shen