Lawmakers underestimated the time it would take to pass a bill on rape and sodomy. JiaoJiao Shen reports from Jefferson City.
Legislators originally predicted that the state would remove the statute of limitations on rape and sodomy by mid-February.
That day has long passed and the Senate bill still sits amidst a conflict between the House and Senate.
What is the basis of the conflict?
The bill's sponser, Senator Marvin Singleton says the problem is because of too many lawyers getting involved.
Representative Ralph Monaco begs to differ.
Representative Monaco is sponsering a House bill very similar to that of the Senate version.
He says instead of lawyers delaying the approval, it is actually an obscure medical issue preventing the Senate version from passing.
Regardless of these problems, the bill could get passed as early as this week.
Senator Singleton says the bill could reach the governor's office by the end of this week.
This bill will remove the three-year statute of limitations on rape and sodomy in Missouri.
The House approved of the bill after adding some amendments to it.
The revised version of the bill is waiting for Senate approval.
From the State Capitol, I'm JiaoJiao Shen
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