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Gephardt loses Saint Louis City.

May 7, 2001
By: Karyn Dest
State Capital Bureau

When race is the issue, seniority goes out the window, as the country's leading Democrat is finding out. Karyn Dest reports from Jefferson City.

Missouri Congressman Dick Gephardt has lost all of Saint Louis City in the latest congressional district map drawn up by Missouri lawmakers. Instead, Democratic Congressman Lacy Clay picks up the entire city, which has a lot of black voters.

Saint Louis City representative Quincy Troupe says he would have drawn the maps differently, but says both Democratic congressmen need black voters in their districts.

Actuality: Troupe
RunTime: 11
OutCue: "make him secure."
Contents: "Gephardt needs some blacks -- some true Democrat votes -- and we willing to share to make him secure."

The congressional district maps still need full Senate and House approval to become official. For KMOX News, I'm Karyn Dest.