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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for Week of September 10, 2001


. The legislative special session finishes and goes home. (09/14/01)
JEFFERSON CITY - Less than two weeks after it started, Missouri lawmakers concluded their special session passing all three issues the governor had requested:
  1. Exempting the federal tax rebate from state taxation -- a step that will save the average Missouri taxpayer $13.
  2. Creating a new program to help lower-income elderly pay for their prescription drugs, eliminating the current tax credit for lower income elderly and expanding the Medicaid program to pay for health care for the poor.
  3. Repealing the law that regulates the prices meat packing companies must pay farmers for livestock.

. Memorial Service (09/14/01)

Bob Holden held a memorial service in honor of the victims who died in Tuesday's terrorist attacks. Local christian reverands read scriptures and led prayers. Governor Holden made a speech promising that although terrorists can attack our land, they will not win.

. Missouri Senate Passes Drug Bill with Medicaid (09/13/01)
JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri's legislature is positioned to finish its two-week special session Friday after a day-long Senate session finished with the bill to establish a prescription drug program for the elderly.

A House-Senate conference committee is expected to iron out the details for a final version that legislative leaders hope will be presented to both chambers later Friday.

Most importantly, a Medicaid provision, which was originally opposed by many Republicans, was added to the bill in an astounding 25-9 vote. This might just be the third consecutive win for the governor this special session.

  • Get the newspaper story.
  • Get the Senate vote on the Medicaid expansion amendment.
    . Possible Mid-Missouri Link to bin Laden (09/13/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri's Highway Patrol confirmed Thursday they have information that symapthizers to the international terrorist are organized in Columbia.

    Columbia was named in national news stories as one of six cities in the U.S. where there were organizations that supported bin Laden.

  • Get the newspaper story.
  • Get the radio story.
    . High gas prices fuel low gas supply concerns in the wake of terror. (09/13/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - There were reports across the state that gas stations were boosting the price as fuel -- as much as 200 percent the day of the terrorist attack in New York and Washington D.C.

    The state's attorney general announced he would be investigating the price increase.

    But the petroleum industry argued the increases were not widespread and the result of consumer panic.

  • Get the the radio story on the Attorney General's news conference.
  • Get the radio story on the petroleum industry's response.
    . Business returns to normal in Missouri (09/12/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri government began the process of trying to determine the financial effects of Tuesday's day of terror.

    The state Insurance Department was reviewing the impact on insurance companies in Missouri.

    The State Treasurer's office (whose boss was stranded in New Mexico from the airline shutdown) reported Missouri actually might have made a small profit by not being able to use New York-based institutions for investment of overnight funds.

  • Get the newspaper story.
    . Governor Holden asks state employees to stay calm as state offices remain open (09/11/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri's governor addressed a quickly organized joint session of Missouri's legislature to announce state offices would remain open in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Washington and New York.

    Bob Holden said security forces would be on alert and security tightened at state facilities.

    Missouri's House decided to continue its special session committee hearings, although the Senate cancelled its one hearing.

  • Get the newspaper story.
  • Get the package of radio stories.
    . Missouri's House adds its endorsement to giving state funds to lower income elderly to buy prescription drugs. (09/10/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri House approved Monday night a bill that would give senior citizens a break on the prescription drug bills.

    Seniors would be organized into two levels based on annual income. The bill would provide that the state pay 60 percent of prescription drug costs after a deductible and program enrollment fee that vary based on income.

    The House version provides broader health coverage for lower income elderly than the version approved last week by the Senate.

  • Get the newspaper story.
  • Get the radio stories.
    . The legislature's special session begins its second week with all three issues awaiting House action. (09/10/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri's House begins debating Monday afternoon the three special session issues it took the Senate just three days to pass last week.

    But House committees have proposed substantially different versions of two of the issues -- prescription drug coverage for the elderly and changing the meatpacker price regulation law.

  • Get the newspaper story about the successes for Gov. Bob Holden so far in the session.
  • Get the newspaper story on the prescription drug issue.
  • Get the newspaper story on the meatpacker pricing law issue.