The governor is hit with a lawsuit to repeal his executive order on collective bargaining.
Cara Karunaratne has more from Jefferson City.
Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder filed a lawsuit seeking to repeal Governor Holden's executive order.
The order could allow unions to collect fees from non-union public state employees.
Kinder says the governor can't force this issue without legislative approval.
The governor's spokesman says the governor has researched the order extensively and is not concerned about its constitutionality.
From Jefferson City, Cara Karunaratne, KMOX News.
Date:September 24, 2001
By: Cara Karunaratne
State Capital Bureau
The governor says his executive order is completely constitutional.
Cara Karunaratne has more from Jefferson City.
Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder filed a lawsuit against the governor's executive order.
The order would allow collective bargaining by public state employees.
And Jerry Nachtigal, the governor's spokesman, says the order is within the governor's contitutional powers.
But Kinder says that this order is not constitutional and thinks there is a good chance the courts will repeal the order.
From Jefferson City, Cara Karunaratne, KMOX News.