While Missouri inaugurated its executive officers just days ago, yesterday the interns received their orientation. Seth Bachelier has the story from Jefferson City...
Orientation for legislative interns consisted of a short question and answer session and a tour of the Capitol.
But, over the next four and a half months, interns will be put right in the heart of government.
They will learn about committees, conduct research, and deal with constituent complaints.
But Republican representative Judy Berkstresser says the experience should teach interns other things.
Democratic representative Deleta Williams says that everything interns learn in the Capitol can help develop skills necessary for future goals.
From Jefferson City, I'm Seth Bachelier.
The orientation of interns allowed them to walk the hallways and see the chambers as they prepare for the upcoming legislative session. Seth Bachelier has the story from Jefferson City...
Legislative interns learned their rules of conduct and rules of the legislature during orientation.
Then they had a question and answer session along with a tour of the Capitol.
Now they are faced with doing research, learning about committees hearings, and dealing with constituent issues.
And Democratic representative Deleta Williams says that all of these skills are equally important.
From Jefferson City, I'm Seth Bachelier.