Democratic senators rejected a Republican proposal on how to use Missouri's tobacco settlement money.
Laetitia Thompson has the story from Jefferson City.
The Democrats propose letting voters decided whether tobacco funds ought to be packaged for health and emergencies.
But Republican St. Louis County Senator Franc Flotron warns that tabacco money might end up in limbo if the package deal is the only choice on the ballot.
Flotron says he wants voters to have a choice between the Democratic package deal or to instead send the money straight back to the taxpayers.
This is Laetitia Thompson reporting from the state capitol.
As Missouri gets closer to a tobacco settlement, Democrats and Republicans debated on where that settlement money ought to go.
Laetitia Thompson from the State Capitol has the story.
Democratic and Republican senators split on how Missouri should spend its future tobacco settlement money.
Democratic Senators say they want voters to decide whether the money ought to be used for health and emergencies.
But Republican St. Louis County Senator Franc Flotron says that voters might not find the Democratic proposal enough.
Flotron says voters ought to be given a choice between the Democratic package or his proposal to send the money to the taxpayers directly.
This is Laetitia Thompson from Jefferson City.