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Missouri Students above National Average

October 3, 2000
By: Ben Davis
State Capital Bureau

Missouri dead beat college students rise above the national average for defaulting on student loans. Ben Davis has the story from Jefferson City:

In 1997, more than ten percent of college students who qualified, defaulted on their Missouri state loans.

When asked why Missouri had a higher rate of default than the national average the Director of MOSTARS, Missouri Student Assistance Resource Services Dan Peterson instead offered ways they are trying to improve these statistics.

RunTime: 13 seconds
OutCue: assistance to those institutions
Contents: Debt management progams have been established to assist secondary eductional facilities get students to pay back loans

Peterson said MOSTARS hopes that these programs will continue the recent trends.

Reporting from Jefferson City I am Ben Davis.

The national rate of dead beat college students is dropping. Ben Davis has the story from Jefferson City:

In the Federal fiscal year of 1998 the percentage of college students who defaulted on their college loans reached an all-time low.

Dan Peterson, Director of MOSTARS, Missouri Student Assistance Resource Services says the economy plays a large role in the recent trend.

RunTime: 11 seconds
OutCue: that would be good
Contents: Peterson says that with a good economy students are able to find jobs easier and therefore pay off the loans

A strong economy and improvments in the higher education amendments are key variables in the recent decline of student loan default.

Reporting from Jefferson City, Ben Davis.