A bill filed for the next legislative session would cause Missouri residents to lose alimony payments if they live with a partner for 2 years. Stacy Covitz reports from the state capitol.
The proposed bill requires a court to decide if two people are living together to save money, or if they are in an intimate situation.
Missouri Representative Craig Hosmer says if a court finds the couple is in an intimate situation, alimony will be stopped.
Hosmer says payments might not be resumed if the couple ends their relationship.
Hosmer says the bill will be discussed in the next legislative session. From Jefferson City, I'm Stacy Covitz.
A bill filed for the next legislative session allows a court to decide if people who have been living with a partner can receive alimony. Stacy Covitz has the story from Jefferson City.
The proposed bill would cause Missouri residents to lose alimony if they have been living with a partner for two years.
Missouri Representative Craig Hosmer says if a court finds the couple is in an intimate situation, alimony will be stopped.
Hosmer says many couples do not marry so they can legally collect alimony from a former spouse.
Hosmer says payments might not be resumed if the couple ends their relationship.
From the state capitol, I'm Stacy Covitz.