Officials say most of Missouri provides inadequate help for domestic abuse victims. Stacy Covitz has the story from Jefferson City.
The legislative committee on domestic violence met to talk about ways to stop abuse.
Citizens Against Rape and Domestic Violence representative Mark Koch says educating the public is the first step in decreasing violence in the home.
Koch says he hopes educating Missourians will lead to building more shelters for abuse victims. Less than half of the counties in Missouri have shelters now. From the state capitol, I'm Stacy Covitz
The legislative committe for domestic abuse met with abuse prevention experts to talk about ways to stop abuse.
Citizens Against Rape and Domestic Violence spokesman Mark Koch says the police, judges, prosecuters and counselors need to work together to stop domestic violence.
Koch says educating Missourians about domestic abuse is the next step in preventing violence in the homes. From the state capitol, I'm Stacy Covitz.