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Gaw Says Legislature Facing Tough Issues.

January 8, 1997
By: Tracy Sadeghian
State Capital Bureau

The halls of the State Legislature were abuzz Wednesday with the opening of the 1997 Legislative Session. Tracy Sadeghian has the details on the House side from Jefferson City.

The 89th General Assembly kicked off with the swearing in of House members and its leaders.

Democrat Steve Gaw captured a second term as House Speaker, defeating House Republican Mark Richardson.

Gaw quickly thanked the Legislature and said he'd give his speech sometime later.

Several reporters then left the Chamber, missing Gaw's speech that raved about Missouri's strong economy, low unemployment rate and tax rate that's 49th in the nation.

But Gaw cautioned legislators not to bask in Missouri's glory for too long...

OutCue: "...Missouri children."
Contents: "Now our task is to build on this record of accomplishment. In doing so, let us not just see the path at our feet but the horizon to which it leads. This year we will face issues that will take much of our attention. Complicated issues such as additional welfare reform, managed health care and tax increment financing. We will have the opportunity to eliminate the general sales tax on food and make college and technical training more affordable."

Gaw says kids issues are a top priority for this legislative session...

OutCue: "...Missouri's children."
Contents: "But the real test for our success must be for the results we produce for Missouri's families and most importantly, for the future of Missouri's children."

Reducing the low birth rate, the infant mortality rate and the high school drop out rate some of the bigger problems facing Missouri's youth. SOC