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Granny, Keep-on Bussin'

May 2, 1996
By: Jack Dolan
State Capital Bureau

The House voted to let school bus drivers work until a doctor puts the brakes on them--regardless of their age. Jack Dolan has the story from Jefferson City

OutCue: SOC

Cindy Ostman, from the St. Charles area, sponsored the bill that would eliminate the 70 year old age limit for school bus drivers. Under the bill, drivers over 70 would have to pass a physical test every year. Current law requires drivers to pass physical exams every three years. Ostman says she thinks it's time for America to reevaluate it's attitude towards older citizens.

Actuality: Ostman
OutCue: ...what the calender says.
Contents: Ostman says people are living longer and healthier lives than they used to and it's time to start evaluating them on their abilities and not by a calender.

The governor's spokesman, Chris Sifford, says the governor still hasn't decided if he will sign the bill. From Jefferson City, I'm Jack Dolan.