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Ballot Issue Would Create a Fund to Maintain State Buildings.

October 22, 1996
By: Tracy Sadeghian
State Capital Bureau

A trust fund to keep Missouri's State buildings in working order will be created if voters approve Constitutional Amendment number three on the November ballot.

K-B-I-A's Tracy Sadeghian has more from Jefferson City.


This ballot issue would create a separate trust fund for maintaining, repairing and renovating Missouri's State Buildings.

The Facilities Maintenance Reserve Fund would get its money from one-percent of the State's general revenue fund.

Mexico Senator Joe Maxwell is a strong supporter of the measure. He says Missouri's buildings need attention...

OutCue: "...will create"
Contents: "For example, the new prisons that we are building will need and require future maintenance. The college campuses..the University of Missouri..and all the other regional colleges across the state have fantastic beautiful buildings. But they require maintenance and these facilities deserve the attention that this fund will help create."

Maxwell says funding Missouri's buildings has been neglected...

OutCue: "...this building."
Contents: "Because it's not a priority in the constitution, because it's not named or set out in the constitution, often times it's an afterthought, or doesn't even get thought of at all in regards to repairing these buildings. It's not a high profile thing. You don't get people campaigning this year in regards to, 'I repaired the roof on this building.'"

Maxwell says creating the Facilities Maintenance Fund also makes economic sense...

OutCue: "...a repair"
Contents: There's no doubt that because of the poor process we have in place today that when a roof begins to leak. And even if the department issues a request for funds and the governor agrees, and the legislature agrees, and the money is appropriated, it can be a year before that money is appropriated to repair that roof. And by that time, you may not only have a damaged roof, you may have a damaged wall and flooring and what would have cost 10-thousand-dollars now costs 30-thousand-dollars to repair.

Bridges and highways will not be covered by the fund.

So far, no groups have opposed this ballot issue.

For K-B-I-A's Capital Edition, I'm Tracy Sadeghian.