Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Black Caucus Splits House Democrats
January 3, 1996 By: Adrienne Baughman State Capital Bureau
The Missouri legislature's Black Caucus has brought the race for House Speaker to a standstill by refusing to endorse the Democratic candidate for speaker. This morning the candidate and caucus meet in an effort to resolve their differences.
Adrienne Boff-man has the story from Jefferson City.
Black Caucus Chair Paula Carter will hold negotiations with House Speaker candidate Sam Leake this morning.
The Black Caucus is withholding 10 votes - enough to deny Leake the votes to win.
Carter says the stalemate is not over a single leadership issue.
Carter has not listed the specific demands of the caucus, but she said they are not limited to any one leadership position.
From the State Capitol, I'm Adrienne Baughman.
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